Telefonide ja tahvelarvutite remont

Kas nutiseade vajab remonti või hooldust? Julgelt võta meiega ühendust!


Mobiiltelefonide remont ja hooldus Kristiines

Aadress:  Tulika 15, Tallinn, 10613

Telefon: +372 5880 2672

E-R: 10:00 – 18:00
   L:  10:00 – 15:00

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Saad oma seadme meile ka postiga saata. Selleks ära unusta saadetisele märkida oma nimi, kontakttelefon ja tagasisaatmise aadress.

Kui seade on meie käes, teeme lõpliku hinnapakkumise ja peale remondi teostamist, saadame arve.

Peale arve tasumist saadame seade teile tagasi tasuta. Juhul kui remondist loobud, siis tagasi saatmise tasu on 5€.

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Juhul, kui ei soovi telefoni parandust või teha seadme uuendust, ostame sinu vana telefoni mõistliku turuhinnaga. 

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Mobiiltelefonide ja tahvelarvutite

apple logo

iPhone remont

  • iPhone ekraani vahetus
  • iPhone aku vahetus
  • iPhone põhiplaadi vahetus või remont
  • iPhone laadimispesa remont või vahetus
  • iPhone kaamera või kaamera klaasi vahetus
  • iPhone tagaklaasi või korpuse vahetus
  • iPhone kõlari või kuulari vahetus
  • iPhone mikrofoni vahetus

android logo

Android telefonide remont

  • Telefoni ekraani vahetus
  • Telefoni aku vahetus
  • Telefoni põhiplaadi vahetus või remont
  • Telefoni laadimispesa remont või vahetus
  • Telefonide kaamera või kaamera klaasi vahetus
  • Telefoni tagaklaasi või korpuse vahetus
  • Telefoni kõlari või kuulari vahetus
  • Telefoni mikrofoni vahetus


Tahvelarvutite remont

  • Tahvelarvuti ekraani vahetus
  • Tahvelarvuti aku vahetus
  • Tahvelarvuti põhiplaadi vahetus või remont
  • Tahvelarvuti laadimispesa remont või vahetus
  • Tahvelarvuti kaamera või kaamera klaasi vahetus
  • Tahvelarvuti tagaklaasi või korpuse vahetus
  • Tahvelarvuti kõlari või kuulari vahetus
  • Tahvelarvuti mikrofoni vahetus


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Ценовое предложение

В самые короткие сроки мы пришлём наше ценовое предложение


Доставь телефон к нам

Принеси телефон к нам в мастерскую или пошли через почтовый автомат

Kiirremondi võimalus

Kolm lihtsat sammu telefoni või tahvelarvuti kiiremondi teostamiseks


Teosta päring

Küsi, kas vajalik varuosa on kohal ja vali endale sobiv aeg


Hinnapakkumise saatmine

Hiljemalt 24 jooksul teeme sulle hinnapakkumise


Seadme remonti toomine

Seadme saad meile ise kohale tuua või soovi korral ka postiga saata

Teosta päring

Küsi, kas vajalik varuosa on kohal ja vali endale sobiv aeg

Hinnapakkumise saatmine

Hiljemalt 24 jooksul teeme sulle hinnapakkumise

Seadme remonti toomine

Seadme saad meile ise kohale tuua või soovi korral ka postiga saata

Müü oma vana seade meile

Ei soovi telefoni parandust või soovid vahetada vana seade uue mudeli vastu? Ostame sinu kasutatud telefoni mõistlikku turu hinnaga

Võimalik saata postiga üle Eesti tasuta
Tule kontorisse ja saad kiiresti raha kätte
Kõige mõstlikumad ja ausamad telefoni hinnapakkumised

Võta ühendust


Based on 90 reviews
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Stas Kozlov
13:03 08 Mar 25
They quickly fixed the sound buttons, explaining in detail what was done and the cause of the problem, they charged 60 euros, in general I don’t know how much it costs, but I think it’s acceptable
Mattias Müür
18:29 05 Mar 25
I sold an old and broken phone. Checked and paid what was promised. Matter of fact.
Tanel Tänna
20:07 28 Dec 24
I changed the Pixel 4a battery, the phone itself was almost 4 years old. After the change, one of the sensors showed malfunctions, which could be due to the repair. Under warranty, the phone was disassembled again, inspected and reassembled. Works perfectly so far, respect!
Deniss Jakovlev
09:28 11 Dec 24
Good service. I gave away smart watches to Apple and Huawei. Apple managed to be revived, Huawei finally died from the water inside.I also brought poppy seeds to check the work. Then they replaced the battery. Everything was done quite quickly, since the computer was urgently needed for work.
03:05 26 Nov 24
Baptiste Fabre
11:11 26 Sep 24
Very friendly, he did an amazing job. If you need a repair, go to him
Pamela Samel
17:34 08 Aug 24
Very friendly service, professional and quick! Recommend!
Makar Ivashko
10:59 22 Jan 24
Amazing service, cheap prices, fast repair time. Highly recommend
We changed the screen on a Samsung, it was done in 2 hours, everything works, everything is fine, thank you very much, we will contact you again
Heavy Time
11:10 03 Jan 24
After repairing a phone that was in water, everything works stably as it should. They fixed it quickly enough, the service is top notch, definitely 5/5
13:10 14 Dec 23
Friendly guys repair quickly
Helene A.
14:14 25 Oct 23
Came here to change my screen phone, cheap price, good and fast work. 100% recommend it. Thanks!
Viacheslav Todorovych
13:11 21 Aug 23
Very good place, fix things fast and convinient
Ruud Hollenberg
12:52 31 Mar 23
Came in; guy fixed my problem, asked a reasonable price; got out.Go get your phone fixed🤘
Sebastián R
11:15 28 Mar 23
My phone wasn’t charging and they quickly identified what was wrong with it. They repairs were made in less than two hours and they were very friendly and explained everything.
Dmitry Makarov
14:25 23 Oct 22
Fair attitude towards customers. I recommend!
Dmitri Kruglov
19:53 12 Oct 22
Only pros! Respectful attitude to the customers, flawless and prompt service for reasonable price!
Sten Suigusaar
09:00 27 Jun 22
Fast and reliable repair
Ilja Bongard
10:19 11 Mar 21
Quick professional services for a reasonable price.
Rodion Kalishtshuk
16:28 02 Dec 20
Very professional and fast. Friendly service. Convenient parking. Would recommend this place definitely
Stas Kozlov
13:03 08 Mar 25
They quickly fixed the sound buttons, explaining in detail what was done and the cause of the problem, they charged 60 euros, in general I don’t know how much it costs, but I think it’s acceptable
Mattias Müür
18:29 05 Mar 25
I sold an old and broken phone. Checked and paid what was promised. Matter of fact.
Tanel Tänna
20:07 28 Dec 24
I changed the Pixel 4a battery, the phone itself was almost 4 years old. After the change, one of the sensors showed malfunctions, which could be due to the repair. Under warranty, the phone was disassembled again, inspected and reassembled. Works perfectly so far, respect!
Deniss Jakovlev
09:28 11 Dec 24
Good service. I gave away smart watches to Apple and Huawei. Apple managed to be revived, Huawei finally died from the water inside.I also brought poppy seeds to check the work. Then they replaced the battery. Everything was done quite quickly, since the computer was urgently needed for work.
03:05 26 Nov 24
Baptiste Fabre
11:11 26 Sep 24
Very friendly, he did an amazing job. If you need a repair, go to him
Pamela Samel
17:34 08 Aug 24
Very friendly service, professional and quick! Recommend!
Makar Ivashko
10:59 22 Jan 24
Amazing service, cheap prices, fast repair time. Highly recommend
We changed the screen on a Samsung, it was done in 2 hours, everything works, everything is fine, thank you very much, we will contact you again
Heavy Time
11:10 03 Jan 24
After repairing a phone that was in water, everything works stably as it should. They fixed it quickly enough, the service is top notch, definitely 5/5
13:10 14 Dec 23
Friendly guys repair quickly
Helene A.
14:14 25 Oct 23
Came here to change my screen phone, cheap price, good and fast work. 100% recommend it. Thanks!
Viacheslav Todorovych
13:11 21 Aug 23
Very good place, fix things fast and convinient
Ruud Hollenberg
12:52 31 Mar 23
Came in; guy fixed my problem, asked a reasonable price; got out.Go get your phone fixed🤘
Sebastián R
11:15 28 Mar 23
My phone wasn’t charging and they quickly identified what was wrong with it. They repairs were made in less than two hours and they were very friendly and explained everything.
Dmitry Makarov
14:25 23 Oct 22
Fair attitude towards customers. I recommend!
Dmitri Kruglov
19:53 12 Oct 22
Only pros! Respectful attitude to the customers, flawless and prompt service for reasonable price!
Sten Suigusaar
09:00 27 Jun 22
Fast and reliable repair
Ilja Bongard
10:19 11 Mar 21
Quick professional services for a reasonable price.
Rodion Kalishtshuk
16:28 02 Dec 20
Very professional and fast. Friendly service. Convenient parking. Would recommend this place definitely